152VOS Craig Autry
244 East Second St First Service 5/9/2011
12/12/16 Last service of the season
12/15/16 Signed up for 2017 Year round service paid $240.00 #5727 Jan to Dec. 2017
3/10/17 Keyless entry code *527914
8/19/17 Sold house New owner Craig Autry cautry57@comcast.net
New address 4956 Buffalo Grass Look Broomfield CO 80023 303-704-8170
10/20/17 termite stations installed $375.00 & $45.00 quarterly; paid 11/18/17 $375.00 #1751
11/4/17 PC
12/2/17 PC Last service of the season
12/22/17 Renewed Seasonal/EOM service paid $215.00 #1994; Feb. April to Oct. & Dec.
1/22/18 termites; paid 4/28/18 $45.00 #2032 Inv. #3130
2/14/18 PC
3/16/18 Door code: 897678 check mark
4/23/18 termites; paid 10/18/18
5/19/18 PC
6/16/18 PC
7/20/18 termites; paid 10/18/18
7/21/18 PC
8/24/18 PC
10/11/18 PC & termites; paid 10/18/18 by Williamson Realty #24546
12/21/18 PC Last service of the season
1/3/19 paid $250.00 #1829 for year round service Jan to Dec.
1/12/19 PC & T; paid 1/31/19 $45.00 #2067
2/16/19 PC
3/25/19 PC o/o at cust's request (construction)
4/22/19 PC & T; paid 7/12/19 $45.00 #2093
5/30/19 PC
6/22/19 PC
7/22/19 PC & T; paid 8/1/19 $45.00 #2097
8/26/19 PC
9/10/19 PC C/B NC
9/23/19 PC
10/28/19 PC & T; paid 11/6/19 $45.00 #1862
11/8/19 per cust's request
11/25/19 PC
12/23/19 PC i/o (rain) Last service of the season; 12/28/19 o/o
1/7/2020 Renewed year round paid $250.00 #1882
1/27/2020 PC & T; paid 2/4/2020 $45.00 #1811
2/24/2020 PC
3/23/2020 PC & T; paid 4/3/2020 $1896 $45.00
4/27/20 PC
5/28/2020 PC
6/15/2020 termites; paid 6/25/2020 $45.00 #1916
6/22/2020 PC
7/27/2020 PC
8/24/2020 PC
9/25/2020 PC & T; paid 10/5/2020 $45.00 #1937
10/24/2020 PC
11/23/2020 PC
12/28/2020 PC & T (Last PC service); paid termite 1/6/2021 w/renewal check
1/6/2021 Renewed year round service Paid $295.00 #1964
1/21/2021 PC 1st service of the season
2/19/2021 PC o/o (Covid)
3/22/2021 PC & T; paid 4/4/2021 $45.00 #1984
4/26/2021 PC
5/24/2021 PC
6/28/2021 PC & T; paid 7/1/2021 $45.00 #1978
7/26/2021 PC
8/25/2021 PC
9/27/2021 PC & T; paid 10/9/2021 $40.00 #1999
10/25/2021 PC
11/22/2021 PC i/o (rain); 11/24/2021 o/o
12/18/2021 PC & T; paid 12/31/2021
12/31/2021 Renewed 2022 year round service; paid $290.00 #2019
1/24/2022 PC
2/28/2022 PC
3/28/2022 PC & T; paid 4/8/2022 $45.00 #2035
4/25/2022 PC
5/23/2022 PC
6/27/2022 PC & T; paid 7/8/2022 $45.00 #2047
7/25/2022 PC
8/29/2022 PC
9/26/2022 PC & T; paid 10/6/2022 $45.00 #2072
10/24/2022 PC
11/28/2022 PC
12/17/2022 termites; paid 1/7/2023 $295.00 #2084
12/28/2022 PC Last service of the season
1/7/2023 Renewed 2023 Year round service; paid $295.00 #2084
1/23/2023 PC
2/27/2023 PC
3/27/2023 PC& T Last service here.; paid 4/12/2023 $45.00 #113 They sold house. New address is 152 Via Old Sound Blvd.
5/16/2023 PC