Billy Bonovich 1439
Billy Bonavich 1439 Chickadee Place Shallotte 910-664-6466
Mail 108 Ft. Charles Dr NW Supply
Monthly $40.00. After 5 months EOM $60.00; Termites $45.00
5/11/2021; paid 5/13/2021 $1050.00 #1440
6/21/2021 o/o; 6/22/2021 i/o paid on 5/13/2021
7/27/2021 paid on 5/13/2021
8/30/2021 PC & T paid 8/30/2021
11/23/2021 Termites; paid 5/13/2021
11/30/2021 PC paid 5/13/2021 (no card)
2/22/2022 termites paid on 5/13/2021
5/24/2022 termites paid on 5/13/2021
8/23/2022 termites; paid on 5/13/2021 (Also paid through the Nov. service)
11/22/2022 termites paid on 5/13/2021
1/13/2023 check for $660.00 #1412 for this and 108 through Dec. 2023
2/28/2023 PC & T; paid 3/4/2023 #125 for all of 2023 for PC & T
4/25/2023 PC paid on 3/4/2023
5/23/2023 termites paid on 1/13/2023