Island Condos
75 West First Street OIB 28469 579-2721 First service 7/17/2009
11/22/16 paid for October's termites service $45.00 #1056
12/9/16 PC Last service of the season; finished units 1 & 3 on 12/12/16
1/2/17 termites paid 1/14/17 $45.00 #1057
2/13/17 PC First service of the season paid 3/6/17 $900.00 #1061
4/3/17 termites paid 4/14/17 $45.00 #1062
4/29/17 PC
5/13/17 PC
6/24/17 PC
7/6/17 termites; paid 8/19/17 $45.00 #1064
7/29/17 PC
8/26/17 PC (Unit 3 was occupied)
9/25/17 PC
10/2/17 termites; paid 10/14/17 $45.00 #1066
10/24/17 PC (#4 not done; long term renter)
11/25/17 PC #4
12/20/17 Last service of the season
1/1/18 termites; paid 1/23/18 $45.00 #1070
2/1/18 PC; paid 2/17/18 $900.00 #1072 for Jan. - Dec.
4/3/18 termites; paid 5/15/18 $45.00 #1075
4/3/18 and 4/7/18 {PC
5/7/18 PC Unit 4 occupied; unit 1 we have to go back
7/13/18 termites; paid 8/18/18 $45.00 #1079
8/18/18 PC
9/8/18 PC (Unit 1 was occupied and did not get done); Unit 1 done on 9/10/18
10/6/18 PC & T (Removed 3 stations due to construction work); paid 11/15/18 $45.00 #1084
12/6/18 PC Last service of the season; removed 3 more stations that were laying around
1/9/19 termites; paid 2/15/19 $45.00 #1097
2/15/19 Renewed Seasonal/EOM paid $900.00 #1092
2/22/19 PC
4/13/19 PC Unit 1 only
4/20/19 PC finished the rest
4/22/19 termites; paid 5/16/19 $45.00 #1099
5/24/19 1, 3 & 5 PC; Went back 5/25 and 5/29, and 2 & 4 were still occupied.
6/28/19 & 6/29/19 PC
7/12/19 termites; paid 8/17/19 $45.00 #1105
7/29/19 PC
8/31/19 PC
9/21/19 o/o & 3&5; 9/30/19 #1; 2&4 occupied
10/7/19 termites; paid 11/16/19 $45.00 #1106
10/25/19 PC unit 4 not done. Renters there until mid Nov.
12/19/19 PC unit 2 & 4 occupied, not done; Last service of the season
1/6/2020 termites; paid 2/21/2020
2/1/2020 PC 1st service; paid 2/21/2020 $945.00 #1108 for Jan.'s termite & year round service
4/4/2020 PC (2& 4 o/o; Sloane was closed; couldn't activate service); 4/6/2020 Units 2 & 4 inside
4/6/2020 termites; paid 4/15/2020 $45.00 #1111
5/16/2020 PC
5/25/2020 PC Unit 1 per owner's request
6/20/2020 PC Unit 3 has new lock; Unit 2 Sloane's code failed
7/7/2020 termites; paid 8/18/2020 $45.00 #1117
7/25/2020 PC Unit 3 has new lock, no key. Unit 2 Sloane's code failed
8/29/2020 PC Unit 1 rented; Unit 3 no key
9/19/2020 PC Unit 3 & 5 no key
10/10/2020 termites; paid 11/14/2020 $45.00 #1118
10/17/2020 PC no keys for 3 & 5; we went back and did #5 (we got the key from the owner)
12/14/2020 PC Units 2 &4 no longer Sloane's; last service of the season
1/1/2021 termites; paid 1/15/2021 $45.00 #1119
2/8/2021 PC 1st service of the season; paid 2/16/2021 $900.00 #1120
4/22/2021 PC
4/30/2021 termiites; paid 5/15/2021 $45.00 #1127
5/22/2021 PC
6/19/2021 PC
7/22/2021 termites; paid 8/13/2021 $45.00 #1131
7/31/2021 PC
8/7/2021 PC Unit 5 only
8/28/2021 PC (Unit 6 didn't get done because it had a new lock)
9/25/2021 PC
10/5/2021 termites; paid 11/15/2021 $45,00 #1021
10/19/2021 PC
12/4/2021 PC Last service of the season; next year charge $1080.00 per Robert
Switched to 4th Monday
1/24/2022 termites; paid 2/14/2022 $180.00 for termites for Jan., April, July, & October
2/26/2022 PC; paid 3/16/2022 $1080.00 #1133
4/23/2022 PC (#3 refused service)
4/25/2022 termites paid on 2/14/2022
5/21/2022 PC
6/15/2022 Sloane's code didn't work-no service - First weed-eating service; paid 9/10/2022 $135.00 #1141
6/25/2022 Couldn't get to building. Fire Department had the road closed
6/29/2022 o/o except for #5. All others occupied.
7/23/2022 PC
7/25/2022 termites paid on 2/14/2022
8/20/2022 PC
9/17/2022 PC
10/22/2022 PC (#5 had a note on the door to not do the inside)
10/24/2022 termites paid on 2/14/2022
12/3/2022 Last service of the season
1/26/2023 termites; paid 2/17/2023 for the whole year
2/2/2023 PC 1st service of the season; paid 2/17/2023 $1260.00 #1142
4/1/2023 PC
4/15/2023 termites paid on 2/17/2023
5/6/2023 PC
6/3/2023 PC