Scott Walters
523 Fairway Drive Sunset Beach NC 28468 First Service 10/26/2009
579-8828 (h) 443-9002 (cell)
EOM Service $40.00
1st Tuesday
11/1/16 PC & termites
1/10/17 PC
2/7/17 termites
3/7/17 PC
5/2/17 PC & termites paid $160.00 cash to -0- out account.
7/5/17 termites; paid 10/7/17
8/1/17 PC; paid 10/7/17
10/5/17 PC & termites; paid 10/7/17 $400.00 cash
12/4/17 paid 10/7/17
1/2/18 termites paid 10/7/17
2/6/18 o/o; 2/9/18 inside paid 10/7/17
4/3/18 PC & termites paid 10/7/17
6/5/18 PC (inside only-power washing); 6/15/18 o/o; paid 12/4/18
6/14/18 yellow jackets paid $60.00 cash
7/3/18 termites paid 10/7/18
8/7/18 PC; paid 12/4/18
10/10/18 PC & T; paid 12/4/18
12/4/18 PC paid $300.00 cash (Has $100.00 credit)
1/1/19 termites; paid 4/2/19
2/5/19 PC paid on 12/4/18
4/1/19 o/o; 4/2/19 i/i PC & T paid $200.00 cash until August for PC & July for termite
6/4/19 PC paid on 4/2/19
7/2/19 termites paid on 4/2/19
8/6/19 PC paid on 4/2/19
10/1/19 PC o/o & T (owes $20.00 for PC & $40.00 for termite); 10/3/19 i/o; paid 12/6/19
12/3/19 PC o/o; 12/6/19 i/o; paid $400.00 cash for Oct. to August PC + $20.00 credit, and Jan. to Oct. termites
1/7/2020 termites paid on 12/6/2019
2/4/2020 PC paid on 12/6/2019
4/7/2020 PC o/ (Covid) & T Stations 5 & 6 can't be found) paid on 12/6/19
6/2/2020 PC o/o (Covid) paid on 12/6/19
7/7/2020 termites paid on 12/6/2019
8/10/2020 PC; paid 1/29/2021
10/6/2020 PC o/o & T (termites paid on 12/6/2019; PC paid 1/29/2021
12/1/2020 PC; paid 1/29/2021
1/1/2021 termites; paid 1/29/2021 $500.00 cash. (Owes $20.00 for Dec. 2021)
2/2/2021 PC o/o (requested) paid on 1/29/2021
4/6/2021 PC & T paid on 1/29/2021
6/1/2021 o/o (sick aunt was visiting); called to tell us to skip inside this time;
7/6/2021 termites paid on 1/29/2021
8/3/2021 PC paid on 1/29/2021
10/5/2021 PC & T paid on 1/29/2021
12/7/2021 PC (Had $20.00 credit)
1/4/2022 termites
Jan. 2022 Switch to 1st Monday
2/1/2022 PC paid $400.00 cash for termites until Oct. and PC until August + $15.00 credit
4/4/2022 PC & T paid on 2/1/2022
6/6/2022 PC paid on 2/1/2022
7/7/2022 termites paid on 2/1/2022
8/1/2022 PC paid on 2/1/2022
10/3/2022 PC & T; paid 12/14/2022
12/14/2022 PC paid $400.00 cash for termites until July and PC until Aug. + $25.00 credit
1/2/2023 termites paid 12/14/2022
2/6/2023 PC paid on 12/14/2022
4/3/2023 PC & T paid on 12/14/2022
6/5/2023 PC paid on 12/14/2022