Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs
April 22, 2013
April 22, 2013
This just in from the National Pest Management Association. 4/22/13
New Bed Bug Survey Shows Problem is Not Waning; Bed Bug Awareness Week Calls for Attention
The new 2013 Bugs Without Borders Survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and the University of Kentucky, found that bed bug infestations in the United States continue at high rates and the pest is as much, if not more of a problem than in years past. The survey of U.S. pest management professionals, found that 99.6 percent of respondents encountered bed bug infestations in the past year and that infestations have increased in the majority of locations in which pest professionals typically treat for bed bugs. The study is being released during Bed Bug Awareness Week (April 22 through 26), a national observance by NPMA and Chase's Book of Lists to help spread public awareness about bed bugs and what people can do to help curb infestations.
NPMA would like to thank the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) for commissioning the study and the promotion of Bed Bug Awareness Week (BBAW). PPMA Guardians and Contributors will find additional resources to help promote BBAW on PPMATools.org.